Welcom to OUTtogether Heel Nederland


Doing sports together, going to a performance together, organizing a workshop, cooking together, starting a dance group or taking a walk together?
Dear visitor, on this platform you will find all kinds of interesting events and activities. And even better, here you can find great people to join you and do fun things together. Check the site for all the possibilities and go for fun activities and enjoy with others. Would you like the newsletter of the OUTtogether-initiative please send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..


Online events

Event Calendar

In our events calendar you will find, next to one UITagenda with events, including the special OUTtogether-events, organized by our partners. At these events you will be welcomed by an organizer and you are guaranteed to meet other visitors throughout the Netherlands.

  • Many free events
  • Everyone is welcome
  • Every week a new event
  • Verified organizations
  • Meeting guaranteed

Recent events

Calls and Groups

Place a call to meet others. You can place calls at events and in interest groups. You can also easily start a group yourself. Place a call now and go sports, cycling, watching a movie, playing a game, drinking coffee, etc. Together, everything is possible!

  • Join a group
  • Start a group
  • Free use
  • Place a call
  • Meet others

Recent Calls

  • Open Call 30-1-2015 till 30-1-2026 Eindhoven
    Wie heeft er zin om een rondje te fietsen op zaterdagochtend in het kader van de tour voorbereiding? We starten om 10.00 uur en de tocht is 25 km lang. Start zie adres.
  • Open Call 20-5-2015 till 20-5-2030 Eindhoven
    De Dansavond vindt weer plaats . De Dansavond is voor iedereen, ook voor niet- dansers. Deze avond is niet alleen leuk om te dansen, maar ook om te kijken en luisteren. U bent allemaal van harte w...elkom bij Vitalis Wilgenhof! Deze Activiteit vindt plaats in de Speckenzaal. ( Entree is €1,- en zonder Vitaalpas €2,-) More
    Organizer: Elke Palm
  • Open Call weekly 2-2-2022 till 18-11-2031 Test
    test oproep tekst


Sometimes you want to meet in a certain area of the Netherlands, around a cultural institution or large event. You can find the options on our specials page.

  • All around cultural institutions
  • In neighborhoods
  • Around major events
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