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Si! Latin dancing

Are you crazy about Latin dances such as salsa, bachata or kizomba? If you are, join us and let's go to workshops and parties together! ..and here you can find a practice partner too. Place a call below this group to ask others to join you.
Groep titel: Si! Latin dancing
Groep omschrijving: Are you crazy about Latin dances such as salsa, bachata or kizomba? If you are, join us and let's go to workshops and parties together! ..and here you can find a practice partner too.
Place a call below this group to ask others to join you.
Trefwoorden waarop groep gevonden kan worden:
  • latino, dance, salsa, bachata, tango, kizomba, zouk, danincg
Toon in andere Portals: Ja
Contactpersoon: To be advised