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Theatre anyone?

It is more fun to watch a great show together. The excitement of anticipation! Enjoying a dinner or a drink before or after or not. Here you can find other theatre goers. Place a call below this group to suggest a show and ask others to join you! Have fun!
Groep titel: Theatre anyone?
Groep omschrijving: It is more fun to watch a great show together. The excitement of anticipation! Enjoying a dinner or a drink before or after or not.
Here you can find other theatre goers.
Place a call below this group to suggest a show and ask others to join you! Have fun!
Trefwoorden waarop groep gevonden kan worden:
  • theatre, show, stage, performance, parktheater, hofnar, schalm, speelhuis
Toon in andere Portals: Ja
Contactpersoon: To be advised