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Exercise outside

It is more fun do sports together and outside we can still do a lot. Doing our exercises (jumping jacks, push-ups, stretching, lunges, sit-ups, rope skipping, etc etc) together stimulates the continuation and it is social. Join this group and ask others to join you in a call bel...ow this group. Let's go! Meer
Groep titel: Exercise outside
Groep omschrijving: It is more fun do sports together and outside we can still do a lot. Doing our exercises (jumping jacks, push-ups, stretching, lunges, sit-ups, rope skipping, etc etc) together stimulates the continuation and it is social.
Join this group and ask others to join you in a call below this group. Let's go!
Trefwoorden waarop groep gevonden kan worden:
  • exercise, sports, circuit training, stretching
Toon in andere Portals: Ja
Contactpersoon: To be advised