Why is this a safe platform?
We do our best to keep the platform safe. We do not share data with others and we try to keep everything up to date as technically as possible. It is of course not unimportant how you handle security yourself.
Make sure you keep your personal information to yourself and that your password is strong enough (read enough random letters, numbers and characters).
Once you are logged in you can manage all kinds of data. Click on your image and select the options in your profile menu (A) .
Via your private settings you can determine which groups of users can see your photos or your stories. You can do this via the dropdown menu (B) . You can also use the change profile option for each individual data to determine who can see it. To do this, click on the bullet behind each completed field (C) and choose whether users are allowed to see this field.

It is also important how you deal with others. Don't make the first appointment in a to quiet place. Maybe check if the user(s) has made calls before. It is also wise to meet with a few people instead with one first. If you have complaints about users, please let us know via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
Finally, please refer to our Privacy & Security page . You can find more information here.